What is eCTD 4.0?
What are the regional differences of eCTD?
What are the five Modules of eCTD? - Introduction to the CTD Triangle
What is eCTD? - The story of the electronic Common Technical Document
Regulatory Authorities worldwide - an overview list
The EMA published the FHIR Conceptual Data Model (CDM)
US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Electronic Submissions
EMA Publishes New Timeline For DADI Project
US FDA Adopts ICH Clinical Trials Guideline with Exclusive Reference to E2B(R3) Standards
CMDh Updates Guidelines to Implement Northern Ireland Protocol (Brexit relevant information)
US FDA announces that DTD version 3.3 will be made mandatory for eCTD submissions
Use of E2B(R3) Becomes Mandatory June 2022 - How to Prepare