Join EXTEDO at booth no. 1543, where our team awaits to chart new horizons with you!
Together, we will redefine the path to regulatory compliance through visionary strategies and collaboration. Don't miss your chance to guide your organization into a transformative experience. Drop by our booth, and together, let's create a brighter, more efficient future for your regulatory processes with EXTEDOpulse, our comprehensive regulatory information management (RIM) platform!

For 60 years, the DIA has been the compass guiding the global life sciences community toward groundbreaking solutions. This year, as all of us celebrate this diamond jubilee together, the DIA Global Annual Meeting 2024 promises to be a beacon of inspiration, as always uniting minds from industry, regulators, academia, and patient advocacy groups.

Explore over 170 sessions across 13 educational tracks, delve into innovative approaches to tackle today's challenges, and forge connections that will shape the future of healthcare.

Use our promo code to get $200 off your DIA 2024 registration or a $250 off Exhibit Hall-only day pass.

  • DIA 2024 Promo Code: VIP24466
  • Exhibit Hall Day Pass Code: HALL24466

See you in San Diego!