Quench Your Thirst for Regulatory Excellence - Meet the EXTEDO Experts at DIA 2024 Regulatory Submissions, Information, and Document Management Forum (RSIDM) in North Bethesda! 

Join us at booth #104, where our team will introduce you to EXTEDOpulse, our game-changing Regulatory Information Management (RIM) solution that's set to quench your thirst for regulatory excellence. This is more than "just technology"; this is about aligning people, processes, and technology to elevate your regulatory experience.

Immerse yourself in the future of regulatory information management as industry and regulatory experts share insights on evolving data standards, requirements, and effective approaches. Use this opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, and education that caters to both business and tech enthusiasts. Swing by booth #104, and let's embark on the journey toward regulatory excellence together!

Because one is not enough: Join EXTEDO's expert talks at DIA RSIDM 2024
We cordially invite you to join our two expert talks, where Senior Business Consultant Frank Dickert will present EXTEDO's expertise in important regulatory developments that can have a decisive impact on the future of your organization. Stay tuned and treat yourself to a big sip of refreshing regulatory knowledge! 

06 February 2024 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM EST
Short Course: Driving IDMP Readiness and Compliance: Impact, Business Benefits, Strategies, and Application of AI
Participants in this virtual Short Course will enjoy two months of post-course access to the recording, ensuring flexibility for their schedules. If the course dates do not fit for you, register anyway to receive access to the recording. The course is virtual, an additional registration fee is required, and attendance at the Forum is not a prerequisite.

For more information and registration, go to: https://www.diaglobal.org/en/conference-listing/meetings/2024/02/regulatory-submissions-information-and-document-management-forum/tutorials/short-course-driving-idmp-readiness-and-compliance-impact-business-benefits-strategies-and-application-of-ai 

13 February 2024 | 01:45 PM - 03:00 PM EST
(Session 8, Track 1: Submission Standards and Efficiencies)

Enhancing Global Regulatory Collaboration: Implementing eCTD for WHO Submissions
Together with Frank, you will explore the WHO's strides in modernizing pharmaceutical regulations through the eCTD format. This presentation delves into its benefits, challenges, and impact on the global regulatory landscape, emphasizing improved collaboration. Discover the streamlined registration process and unified Module 1 for efficient handling of submission types. Topics addressed will be implementation challenges, covering data security, infrastructure, and regulatory maturity across regions.

For more information, go to: https://www.diaglobal.org/en/conference-listing/meetings/2024/02/regulatory-submissions-information-and-document-management-forum/agenda/13/session-8-track-1?ref=Session8Track1